
Thursday, November 15, 2012

A Bento of Thankfulness

 I was really excited about what was to be my second blog hop with Bento Bloggers and Friends. My five-year-old daughter and I had discussed some plans. When I originally explained the topic to her, she said  "Oh, Mommy I have TONS of ideas." She was especially in favor of the idea of making a lunch about being thankful for clocks; she has become particularly interested in time since beginning kindergarten.

So, I was planning to make a Thankful for Time ... with family ... to play, etc. type of post. But, then rota-virus turned our home upside down. It started with my one-year-old son, then my daughter, then me, and then my husband. It was seriously bad stuff and caused us to cancel most everything we had planned over the last week. As we were recovering, my husband commented that this had been the worst time of our married life. I have thought about that a good bit and I have decided that even though I was miserably sick with that virus, that we must be doing okay with each other and our family if this last week has been our worst time.

With that in mind, I packed this lunch for my husband for tomorrow. He was fantastic over the last several days, taking care of our kids even though he also felt terrible. I am very thankful for him and our children. I hope this lunch will be a bright spot in his day.

He will have gingerbread Oreos, Cheez-Its, almonds, cucumbers, Sunburst tomatoes, sugar snap peas, orange pepper slices, grapes, blueberries, and a turkey and muenster leaf-shaped sandwich.

I made a fall-themed lunch for my daughter for tomorrow. I am hoping the bright colors will entice her to eat something; all she ate out of today's lunch and snack was one bite of an apple slice and one single Goldfish. Everything else was untouched. It was her first day back to school after being sick and she said she did not feel like eating.

So, I am hoping that tomorrow will be better and that she will like this box. I packed cucumber slices, orange pepper slices, sugar snap peas, grapes, blueberries, Sunburst tomatoes, almonds, and a squirrel shaped peanut butter sandwich.

Be sure to click here to follow the hop and see what everyone else is thankful for. Next up is Lise over at Veggie Bento and you don't want to miss the lunch that she has prepared.


  1. Great looking lunches!!! And it will now be my mission to track down gingerbread Oreos. Those sound delish!!!

  2. I hope you all feel better. adorable lunches. I'm in love with your squirrel cutter

  3. What wonderful lunches! I have never seen gingerbread Oreos before!

  4. I did not know that they had gingerbread oreos! Awesome lunches. Great story! I loved that you wrote, "I am thankful for you" in picks!

  5. So sorry your family has been sick! I would have loved to see your interpretation of your daughter's clock idea!! I think your husband is truly blessed, and I hope this lunch is a reminder to him of just how treasured he is by you! Your little squirrel is awfully cute, too!

  6. I hope everyone gets better soon! Great post :)

  7. Hope u are better, great lunch, love it. :)

  8. So sorry about the rotavirus :( But yay for that being the worst time ever in your marriage, that's pretty good! And you pulled together a lovely lunch :)

  9. Gingerbread Oreo. We ♥ Oreos. If it's from Oreo, it must be good! The thankful lunch you packed for your family is very meaningful. I'm moved by this. Rotavirus is just a virus that will soon pass. Praying for everyone's health and safety throughout the year. I am thankful that you found the energy back to pack lunches for your loved-ones. Be well!

  10. So sweet! Hope everyone gets to feeling better soon! :)

  11. You lunch is beautiful! Glad your family is starting to feel better. How many sets of the letter picks do you have?

  12. Cute squirrel!!! Hope you have a happy thanksgiving!

  13. Super cute lunches and wonderful post.

  14. Awww wishing super health to you and your family...but the warm colors and sweet message is sure to brighten their spirits! Well done!

  15. Good to hear the sick days are over and you came up with this lovely bentos for your husband and daughter :)

  16. Booo to rotavirus. But yay to some beautiful lunches!! Awesome job! and wishing you a healthy holidays! :)
