Friday, December 14, 2012

The Hobbit Hop

A few weeks ago when I signed up for the Bento Bloggers and Friends Hobbit Hop I knew it would be a stretch from my usual style of lunch packing. I knew I needed to do some research so that I could come up with an idea. So, about a month ago my family and I watched the animated version of The Hobbit in preparation for this lunch. My daughter, who has always liked lizards, was pretty fascinated with Gollum. I guess he reminded her of some kind of reptile. She suggested that I make him for this post. When I went to the grocery store earlier today, I bought all kinds of green food (peppers, cucumbers, peas, kiwi, zucchini,  green tortellini, etc.) thinking that I would somehow come up with a way to create Gollum out of some of those items. But, in the end, I decided to simply draw him. I followed this image of Gollum holding the ring. I am pretty pleased with the way he turned out.

Drawing on a tortilla is MUCH easier than drawing on bread like I have been doing for my daughter's sandwiches! So, Gollum is drawn on the top flour tortilla; turkey, ham, and muenster are layered below the drawing. I decided to go with red and green foods to coordinate with the colors of the drawing. I packed tomatoes, cucumber slices, green pepper strips, sugar snap peas, and some surprisingly delicious (for this time of year) strawberries. A few blackberries and some Cheez-Its are tucked under the tortilla. This was packed in our Pororo stainless bento box because I needed something with a large horizontal space that would allow for overlap into neighboring compartments when the lid was added. This is a tray-like box with a really cute lid, especially for young kids.

I had planned to send this lunch with my husband, because I don't think my daughter would actually eat Gollum, but the PTA is providing lunch for teachers at his school tomorrow. So, I guess I will have this for lunch. Be sure to click on The Hobbit Hop button to visit Robot Squirrel and the Monkeys to see what kind of Hobbit lunch she has created and then keep following the links until you get back to me.


  1. GREAT job with Gollum! It all looks great!

  2. Gollum looks amazing!! The cartoon version scared me as a kid and I still get a little creeped out seeing him again lol! Amazing lunch!

  3. Well done with Gollum! It's Christmassy too :)

  4. That looks amazing! I may try drawing on tortillas instead of cheese. Great job!

  5. Wow! I love your Gollum!

  6. Looks fantastic! I like that it looks like Monet-style with the lines and "brushstrokes!"

  7. Your lunch looks amazing. Gollum always gave me the creeps!

  8. Smiggle and Gollum confuses me but either creeps me out...LOL!! Love your lunch. It's amazing :)

  9. Looks outstanding! Too fantastic to eat in fact. I think I would want to frame it! :)Just amazing! Great job!

  10. That's awesome! You're so good at what you do! I love it!

  11. Awesome Gollum! This came out just wonderful!

  12. Scary! In a good way! Amazing drawing :D
